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Cognitive and Communicative Services



Dernière mise à jour: Oct 28, 2024: Suggérer une modification
Procédé et formulaires
Call * no referral required
Admissibilité / population desservie
Adults, youth and children 5 years and older with acquired brain injury or spinal cord injury (neurological)
Set fees * services may be covered by third-party insurance
Cadres supérieurs
Lisa Jadd - Owner
English ; French
Notes sur la langue
French interpretation available upon request
Zone(s) desservie(s)
London and area
Description des services:
Services for adults and children with acquired brain injury including assessment and treatment services to improve swallowing, communication and cognitive skills * functional intervention with a focus on return to school, work and other pre-injury activities and speech-language pathologists
Trouver des services similaires à London et dans le Middlesex
Dernière mise à jour: Oct 28, 2024: Suggérer une modification