Les programmes de locution aident les personnes qui ont des troubles de la communication tels que des troubles de la voix, de l’ouïe, de la langue, des retards dans le développement du langage ou qui bégayent.
Cognitive and Communicative Services
Connect Speech Therapy - Communication, Cognition and Swallowing
Four Counties Health Services - Speech/Language Pathology
London Health Sciences Centre - University Hospital - Speech-Language Pathology
London Health Sciences Centre - Victoria Hospital - Speech Language Pathology
Ontario Speech and Language Services - London-Elgin and Bluewater Speech and Language Services - London
Rejuvenate Health Services - Southwest London
Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital - Speech/Language Pathology
Thames Valley Communication Access Program
TVCC - Augmentative Communication
TVCC - School Therapy Services
tykeTALK (Thames Valley Preschool Speech and Language Program)
tykeTALK (Thames Valley Preschool Speech and Language Program) - H A Leeper Speech and Hearing Clinic Satellite Site
tykeTALK (Thames Valley Preschool Speech and Language Program) - TVCC London Satellite Site
tykeTALK (Thames Valley Preschool Speech and Language Program) - TVCC Strathroy Satellite Site
Western University - H A Leeper Speech and Hearing Clinic
WordPlay Speech and Language Services
Connect Speech Therapy - Communication, Cognition and Swallowing
Four Counties Health Services - Speech/Language Pathology
London Health Sciences Centre - University Hospital - Speech-Language Pathology
London Health Sciences Centre - Victoria Hospital - Speech Language Pathology
Ontario Speech and Language Services - London-Elgin and Bluewater Speech and Language Services - London
Rejuvenate Health Services - Southwest London
Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital - Speech/Language Pathology
Thames Valley Communication Access Program
TVCC - Augmentative Communication
TVCC - School Therapy Services
tykeTALK (Thames Valley Preschool Speech and Language Program)
tykeTALK (Thames Valley Preschool Speech and Language Program) - H A Leeper Speech and Hearing Clinic Satellite Site
tykeTALK (Thames Valley Preschool Speech and Language Program) - TVCC London Satellite Site
tykeTALK (Thames Valley Preschool Speech and Language Program) - TVCC Strathroy Satellite Site
Western University - H A Leeper Speech and Hearing Clinic
WordPlay Speech and Language Services

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