Éducation et prévention de la dépendance
Les programmes de sensibilisation à la toxicomanie et à la dépendance offrent de l'information, de la formation, et des ressources pour éduquer le public à l'égard des toxicomanies et les comportements de dépendance.
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Regional Centre - London - Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Clinic
London Health Sciences Centre - Victoria Hospital - Trauma Program - Impact (Informing Teens, Preventing Injuries)
Middlesex-London Health Unit - Clinical Services - Smoke-Free Ontario and Tobacco Control
N'Amerind (London) Friendship Centre - Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Worker Program
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - YMCA Wortley Education Centre - Youth Gambling Awareness Program
London Health Sciences Centre - Victoria Hospital - Trauma Program - Impact (Informing Teens, Preventing Injuries)
Middlesex-London Health Unit - Clinical Services - Smoke-Free Ontario and Tobacco Control
N'Amerind (London) Friendship Centre - Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Worker Program
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - YMCA Wortley Education Centre - Youth Gambling Awareness Program

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