Centres pour adolescents
Les centres pour adolescents assurent une variété d’activités sociales et de loisirs, des collations, fournissent des informations, du soutien et parfois des services de conseil.
BGC London - Children and Youth Programs
Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre - Youth Services
John Howard Society of London and District - Children's Group
London Youth for Christ
Muslim Association of Canada - London Chapter
South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre - South London Youth Centre
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Centre Branch - YMAP - YMCA Mapping the Way for Newcomer Youth
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Youth Opportunities Unlimited - YOU Strathroy
Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre - Youth Services
John Howard Society of London and District - Children's Group
London Youth for Christ
Muslim Association of Canada - London Chapter
South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre - South London Youth Centre
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Centre Branch - YMAP - YMCA Mapping the Way for Newcomer Youth
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Youth Opportunities Unlimited - YOU Strathroy

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