Programmes de service de garde avant et après l'école
Programmes agréés de service de garde offerts avant ou après l'école ou durant les congés scolaires, comme les journées pédagogiques ou de relâche. Ces programmes sont offerts aux enfants d'âge préscolaire et plus.
Belvoir Co-operative Nursery School
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - Académie de la Tamise
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - École Frère-André
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - École Marie-Curie
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - École Pommeraie
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - École Saint-Jean-De-Brébeuf
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - École Ste-Jeanne-D'Arc
Kids and Company - London Richmond
Kilworth Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Ashley Oaks Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Bonaventure Meadows Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Byron Somerset Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Cedar Hollow Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Jack Chambers Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - North London Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Rick Hansen Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Summerside Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Westminster Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Westmount Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - White Oaks Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - School Age Program
Simply Kids - Neighbourhood Child Care And Learning Centre - Strathroy
Whitehills Childcare Association - School Age Programs
Whitehills Childcare Association - Sir Arthur Currie Childcare Centre
Whitehills Childcare Association - Wilfrid Jury Childcare Centre
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - East Carling YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - Northbrae YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - Sir John A MacDonald YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - St Kateri YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - St Marguerite d'Youville YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - St Patrick YMCA School Age Program
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - St Theresa YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - St Vincent de Paul YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - YMCA School Age Before and After Care
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - Académie de la Tamise
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - École Frère-André
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - École Marie-Curie
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - École Pommeraie
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - École Saint-Jean-De-Brébeuf
Carrefour communautaire francophone de London - Escale - École Ste-Jeanne-D'Arc
Kids and Company - London Richmond
Kilworth Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Ashley Oaks Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Bonaventure Meadows Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Byron Somerset Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Cedar Hollow Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Jack Chambers Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - North London Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Rick Hansen Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Summerside Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Westminster Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - Westmount Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - Children's Centres - White Oaks Children's Centre
London Children's Connection - School Age Program
Simply Kids - Neighbourhood Child Care And Learning Centre - Strathroy
Whitehills Childcare Association - School Age Programs
Whitehills Childcare Association - Sir Arthur Currie Childcare Centre
Whitehills Childcare Association - Wilfrid Jury Childcare Centre
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - East Carling YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - Northbrae YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - Sir John A MacDonald YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - St Kateri YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - St Marguerite d'Youville YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - St Patrick YMCA School Age Program
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - St Theresa YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - St Vincent de Paul YMCA Child Care
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario - Child Care Services - YMCA School Age Before and After Care
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