Programmes communautaires de santé mentale
Les programmes communautaires de santé mentale offrent un éventail de services de soutien aux personnes ayant des problèmes de santé mentale permanents qui vivent dans la collectivité. Les services offerts comprennent l'information et l'aiguillage, la gestion de cas, l'aide au logement, la réadaptation, l'aide à l'emploi, des conseils, des groupes de soutien, des activités sociales et de loisir et des services de soutien par les pairs pour les consommateurs et les survivants.
CAN-VOICE (Consumer and Survivor Community Support Services)
Canadian Hearing Services - London Region - Connect Mental Health Counselling
Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI)
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Housing - London Supportive Housing - Shared Living
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - London Crisis Centre
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - London Crisis Centre - Community Mental Health Clinic
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Regional Centre - Strathroy - Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Based Programming
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Regional Centre - Strathroy - Mind over Mood (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) Group
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Regional Centre - Strathroy - Transitional Case Management Services
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Regional Centre - London - Programme de navigation du système de santé mentale et de toxicomanie - Gestion de cas
Community Services Coordination Network - WrapAround
Crest Support Services
Humana Community Services
London Health Sciences Centre - First Episode Mood and Anxiety Program
London Health Sciences Centre - Victoria Hospital - Mental Health and Addictions Program
Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Centre
Ontario Structured Psychotherapy - West Region
School Community Intervention Partnership
Vanier Children's Mental Wellness - Vanier Children's Services
Canadian Hearing Services - London Region - Connect Mental Health Counselling
Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI)
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Housing - London Supportive Housing - Shared Living
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - London Crisis Centre
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - London Crisis Centre - Community Mental Health Clinic
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Regional Centre - Strathroy - Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Based Programming
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Regional Centre - Strathroy - Mind over Mood (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) Group
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Regional Centre - Strathroy - Transitional Case Management Services
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Regional Centre - London - Programme de navigation du système de santé mentale et de toxicomanie - Gestion de cas
Community Services Coordination Network - WrapAround
Crest Support Services
Humana Community Services
London Health Sciences Centre - First Episode Mood and Anxiety Program
London Health Sciences Centre - Victoria Hospital - Mental Health and Addictions Program
Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Centre
Ontario Structured Psychotherapy - West Region
School Community Intervention Partnership
Vanier Children's Mental Wellness - Vanier Children's Services
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