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Zero Suicide Initiative

c/o Shauna Graf
Parkwood Institute Mental Health Care Bldg
550 Wellington Rd S
London, ON
N6C 0A7
Parkwood Institute Mental Health Care Bldg
550 Wellington Rd S
London, ON
N6C 0A7

Switchboard: 519-646-6100

Reachout: 519-433-2023 or 1-866-933-2023

Dernière mise à jour: Aug 21, 2024: Suggérer une modification
Procédé et formulaires
Call or email
Admissibilité / population desservie
Community-based organizations
Cadres supérieurs
Jodi Younger - Vice President Patient Care and Quality
St. Joseph's Health Care London
St. Joseph's Health Care London
Shauna Graf - Specialist, Quality, Transformation and Innovation
St. Joseph's Health Care London
St. Joseph's Health Care London
Notes sur la langue
Interpretation available upon request * advance notice appreciated
Zone(s) desservie(s)
Southwestern Ontario

Description des services:
A free resource, created in collaboration with Niagara Region Public Health, that has been designed to support organizations that are not a formal part of the health care sector, by providing them with tools to enhance suicide prevention within their own organizations
Based on seven components, including:
Promotes a competent, confident, and caring workforce in suicide prevention, intervention and postvention
Based on seven components, including:
- creating a leadership-driven safety-oriented culture
- develop a competent, confident, and caring workforce
- identify and assess suicide risk among people receiving care
- ensuring every person has a suicide care management plan, or pathway to care, that is both timely and adequate to meet his or her needs
- use of effective, evidence-based treatments that directly target suicidality
- provide continuous contact and support, especially after acute care
- apply a data-driven quality improvement approach to inform system changes that will lead to improved patient outcomes and better care for those at risk
Promotes a competent, confident, and caring workforce in suicide prevention, intervention and postvention
Trouver des services similaires à London et dans le Middlesex
Dernière mise à jour: Aug 21, 2024: Suggérer une modification