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Certified Food Handler Training

410 Buller St
Woodstock, ON
N4S 4N2
Woodstock, ON
N4S 4N2

519-421-9901 ext 3520

Numéro sans frais: 1-800-922-0096 ext 3520

Télécopie: 519-539-6206

Dernière mise à jour: Jul 19, 2024: Suggérer une modification
Procédé et formulaires
No referral required * registration forms available at Health Unit or online
Admissibilité / population desservie
Recommended to anyone working in the food industry
Set fee * see website for details
Zone(s) desservie(s)
Oxford County

Description des services:
Full day Certified Food Handler courses provided throughout the year and monthly exam challenges * certification is valid for five years and accepted across Ontario
Topics include:
Topics include:
- applicable public health laws
- microbiology - food borne illness
- personal hygiene - serving and dispensing food
- food protection and preparation
- receiving and storing food safely
- cross contamination
Dernière mise à jour: Jul 19, 2024: Suggérer une modification