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Settlement Workers in Schools Program (SWIS)

343 Dundas St
London, ON
N6B 1V5
London, ON
N6B 1V5


Télécopie: 519-660-6168

Dernière mise à jour: Apr 2, 2024: Suggérer une modification
Procédé et formulaires
Call or visit website
Admissibilité / population desservie
Newcomer students and their families
Mahin Ghasemiyani - Community Connections and SWIS Manager
519-432-1133 ext 269 *
519-432-1133 ext 269 *
English ; Many other languages
Notes sur la langue
Interpretation may be available upon request
Zone(s) desservie(s)
London and area

Description des services:
Settlement workers based in schools help newcomer students and their families adjust to their school and community * team provides information on Ontario school system and supports communication between student/family and school * creates individual settlement plan to support family's transition to Canada
Program run in partnership with the Thames Valley District School Board and the London Catholic District School Board
Program run in partnership with the Thames Valley District School Board and the London Catholic District School Board
Dernière mise à jour: Apr 2, 2024: Suggérer une modification