Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

339 Windermere Rd, PO Box 5339
London, ON
N6A 5A5
Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MSICU): 519-685-8500 ext 33361
Cardiac Surgery Recovery Unit (CSRU): 519-685-8500 ext 33360
Automated Switchboard: 519-685-8500
Call 911 in emergencies
Emergency Department: 519-663-3197
iconPath Switchboard and Emergency Department: Daily 24 hours
Administration: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Dernière mise à jour: Jul 22, 2024: Suggérer une modification

Procédé et formulaires

Medical referral required


Most services covered by OHIP

Cadres supérieurs

Ines De Campos - Director, LHSC Critical Care and Respiratory Therapy Servcices


Gina Souliere - Operation Manager for Intensive Care
519-685-8500 ext 32633 *
Tara Caaslick - Operation Manager for Intensive Care
519-685-8500 ext 53328 *



Notes sur la langue

Interpretation available upon request for most branches of the London Health Sciences Centre

Zone(s) desservie(s)

London and Middlesex


W_wheelchair.gif Accessible en fauteuil roulant

Description des services:

Medical-Surgical ICU
- 27-bed unit for critically ill medical or surgical patients requiring intensive treatment and monitoring from an interprofessional team, including extended ICU beds for patients needing prolonged treatment and monitoring

Cardiac Surgery Recovery Unit
- 16-bed unit that specializes in the post-operative care of patients who have had cardiovascular surgery such as heart bypass or heart valve replacements

Critical Care Outreach Team (CCOT) -
Care teams led by a doctor who specializes in critical care * the team also includes specially trained nurses and respiratory therapists * works in partnership with teams on inpatient wards and with critical care to identify, assess and respond to the needs of seriously ill patients, while also providing consultations and participating in rounds
Dernière mise à jour: Jul 22, 2024: Suggérer une modification