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Forest City Midwifery C.A.R.E.

345 Westminster Ave, Suite 101
London, ON
N6C 4V3
London, ON
N6C 4V3


Télécopie: 519-645-8802

Dernière mise à jour: Feb 5, 2025: Suggérer une modification
Procédé et formulaires
Visit website for intake form
Admissibilité / population desservie
People with low-risk pregnancies
Services covered by OHIP
Zone(s) desservie(s)

Description des services:
Midwifery care, including prenatal care from early pregnancy, through labour and delivery, and postpartum/newborn care until six weeks postpartum
Trouver des services similaires à London et dans le Middlesex
Qui sommes-nous ?
The midwife is a skilled practitioner who provides primary care for the full duration of pregnancy, birth and postpartum until 6 weeks postpartum, for low risk women and their newborns. The midwife consults with and refers to specialists when necessary. The midwife will use emergency measures within the scope of her practice if the need arises.
Dernière mise à jour: Feb 5, 2025: Suggérer une modification