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London Cares Homeless Response Services
300 Dufferin Ave
Télécopie: 519-667-2272
Phone Service: Daily 24 hours
Call for appointment
Outreach services provided daily 24 hours
Call for appointment
Outreach services provided daily 24 hours
Dernière mise à jour: Oct 29, 2023: Suggérer une modification
Procédé et formulaires
Call for outreach worker
Admissibilité / population desservie
Adults and older adults experiencing chronic and persistent homelessness
Cadres supérieurs
Anne Armstrong - Executive Director
Zone(s) desservie(s)
Description des services:
Collaborative community-based Housing First program * works to improve health and housing outcomes for people experiencing chronic and persistent homelessness
The Street Outreach and Informed Response Team provide the following services:
Housing Selection Workers identify private-market landlords and property groups interested in making apartments available to people experiencing homelessness
Housing Stability Workers provide intensive case management support to people that have experienced persistent homelessness who are now housed
The Street Outreach and Informed Response Team provide the following services:
- advocacy to access services
- campsite tracking and engagement
- first point of contact for people sleeping on the streets
- diversion to natural supports
- support through the housing process
- harm reduction, Naloxone distribution and syringe recovery
Housing Selection Workers identify private-market landlords and property groups interested in making apartments available to people experiencing homelessness
Housing Stability Workers provide intensive case management support to people that have experienced persistent homelessness who are now housed
Services et programmes:
Trouver des services similaires à London et dans le Middlesex
Dernière mise à jour: Oct 29, 2023: Suggérer une modification