Chargement en cours…
COVID-19 Service Change: Meals on Wheels, in-home nursing and home support continue. Volunteer visiting may continue via phone. Adult day program transitioned to virtual program model. SMART/exercise and falls prevention classes, congregate dining, foot care, caregiver programs and chronic pain management program are suspended. See Program Changes for more information.
Home At Last

1151 Florence St, Suite 200
London, ON
N5W 2M7
London, ON
N5W 2M7

Administration: 519-659-2273

Télécopie: 519-659-7955

Dernière mise à jour: Mar 21, 2024: Suggérer une modification
Procédé et formulaires
Self referral to VON or by contacting Ontario Health atHome South West area for those who meet eligibility criteria
Admissibilité / population desservie
Adults 55 years and older and adults 18 and older with complex needs
Cadres supérieurs
Debra Selwyn - Director, Home and Community Care
Lisa Brendon - Coordinator, Home at Last
519-659-2273 or 519-520-1221
Dee-Ann Vickers - Manager, Home and Community Care
519-659-2273 or 519-520-1221
Dee-Ann Vickers - Manager, Home and Community Care
Notes sur la langue
Interpretation may be available upon request
Zone(s) desservie(s)
London and area

Note sur l'accessibilité
Services provided in client's home * non-accessible transportation
Description des services:
Identifies older adults in local hospitals who have limited supports upon discharge
Upon discharge, trained attendants meet the client and transport them home, ensuring they are settled safely and comfortably * program includes errands such as grocery, prescription and medical equipment pick up, as well as safety assessments of the home environment * referrals to ongoing community supports are a priority * clients receive follow-up to identify risks and to ensure proper supports are in place, as well as a complimentary Meals on Wheels meal
Upon discharge, trained attendants meet the client and transport them home, ensuring they are settled safely and comfortably * program includes errands such as grocery, prescription and medical equipment pick up, as well as safety assessments of the home environment * referrals to ongoing community supports are a priority * clients receive follow-up to identify risks and to ensure proper supports are in place, as well as a complimentary Meals on Wheels meal
Qui sommes-nous ?
Home at Last is a free program for people over 55, or with chronic health issues, to assist in the transition from hospital to home and to ensure they are safe and connected to appropriate community supports. Program includes follow up phone contact.
Dernière mise à jour: Mar 21, 2024: Suggérer une modification