Chargement en cours…
COVID-19 Service Change: Meals on Wheels, in-home nursing and home support continue. Volunteer visiting may continue via phone. Adult day program transitioned to virtual program model. SMART/exercise and falls prevention classes, congregate dining, foot care, caregiver programs and chronic pain management program are suspended. See Program Changes for more information.
Homecare and Professional Services

1151 Florence St, Suite 100
London, ON
N5W 2M7
London, ON
N5W 2M7

Administration: 519-659-2273

Numéro sans frais: Intake and Client Services: 1-866-865-6711

Télécopie: 519-659-6191

Dernière mise à jour: Aug 9, 2024: Suggérer une modification
Procédé et formulaires
Apply through the Ontario Health atHome - London, St Thomas or Strathroy for those who are eligible
Admissibilité / population desservie
People of all ages requiring community health care
Set fee or publicly funded
Cadres supérieurs
Angela Villarreal - Director, Home and Community Care
Debra Selwyn - Director, Home and Community Care
Debra Selwyn - Director, Home and Community Care
Jenna Navarro - Administrative Assistant II
519-659-2273 ext 22322 *
519-659-2273 ext 22322 *
Notes sur la langue
Interpretation may be available upon request
Zone(s) desservie(s)
London, Middlesex and Elgin
Note sur l'accessibilité
Service is provided in community settings
Description des services:
Community health, support and in-home services by nurses and personal support workers
- Home Support Services Private personal care and essential homemaking to clients and support to caregivers
- Nursing Services Nursing care to clients and support to caregivers in the community at home, at school, at work by registered nurses
Dernière mise à jour: Aug 9, 2024: Suggérer une modification