Chargement en cours…
COVID-19 Service Change: Meals on Wheels, in-home nursing and home support continue. Volunteer visiting may continue via phone. Adult day program transitioned to virtual program model. SMART/exercise and falls prevention classes, congregate dining, foot care, caregiver programs and chronic pain management program are suspended. See Program Changes for more information.
Special Services at Home (SSAH)

1151 Florence St, Suite 100
London, ON
N5W 2M7
London, ON
N5W 2M7


Télécopie: 519-657-8031

Dernière mise à jour: May 7, 2024: Suggérer une modification
Procédé et formulaires
Call 519-657-4570 ext 22353 for program intake
Admissibilité / population desservie
Children and youth up to 17 years of age, with developmental or physical disabilities
Cadres supérieurs
Sherry Groulx - Director, Home and Community Care
Eric Nigh - Manager, Home and Community Care
Zone(s) desservie(s)
London, Middlesex, Elgin and area
Note sur l'accessibilité
Service provided in-home
Description des services:
Respite and support for children 0-17 years of age who have a developmental and/or physical disability * respite services provide temporary relief to caregivers * support may be provided by support workers that are screened by VON and matched with families based upon their needs
Trouver des services similaires à London et dans le Middlesex
Dernière mise à jour: May 7, 2024: Suggérer une modification