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Kikendaasogamig Elementary School

45 Farm Rd
Neyaashiinigmiing, ON
N0H 2T0
Neyaashiinigmiing, ON
N0H 2T0


Numéro sans frais: 1-844-922-1337

Télécopie: 519-534-1592

Dernière mise à jour: Jan 3, 2025: Suggérer une modification
Procédé et formulaires
Call or visit
Admissibilité / population desservie
Children of the Neyaasshinigamiing reserve
Cadres supérieurs
William (Bill) Tichenoff - Principal
English ; Ojibwa
Zone(s) desservie(s)
Chippewas of Nawash

Description des services:
Provides education for pre-kindergarten to grade 8 students
Enables students to become successful First Nation community members and global lifelong learners * partners with the community and parents to provide cultural teaching and language * special education programs are also offered
Enables students to become successful First Nation community members and global lifelong learners * partners with the community and parents to provide cultural teaching and language * special education programs are also offered
Dernière mise à jour: Jan 3, 2025: Suggérer une modification