34 Frank St , Strathroy, ON
Type de programme:
Workshops & Programs|
Groupes d’âge:
Early Years (0-6) with Parents/Caregivers
Friday, February 14, 2025
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Zumbini® uses music and movement to support child development for children ages 0-4 years. This is a 6-week program. Registration required. For Middlesex County residents only. No cost to participate.
Created by Zumba and BabyFirst, Zumbini® is an early childhood education program that uses original music and movement to promote cognitive, social, fine/gross motor skill, and emotional development for children ages O to 4 years, all while creating the ultimate bonding experience for families.
For more information on the Zumbini® program, please contact the Program Facilitator, Sarah Sutherland-Sebo, ssutherlandsebo@middlesex.ca.