Mises à jour sur la COVID-19

Parent and Infant Relationship Clinic (PAIR)

1019 Viscount Rd, London, Ontario

Type de programme:

Support Groups


Groupes d’âge:

Early Years (0-6) with Parents/Caregivers, Parent/Caregiver, Families
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | 13:30 PM - 16:30 PM


Maria from the the PAIR Clinic with Vanier Children's Services is here to provide support and referrals about your baby's emotional development or young children's behaviour. Please call us at 519-473-2825 to book an appointment.

Note sur les programmes spéciaux:

Visit https://www.facebook.com/FamilyCentreWestmount



Inscription requise:

Call 519-473-2825 for an appointment.