Family Centre and EarlyON Program Descriptions

Family Centres offer a single door to many opportunities, connecting your family to information, a range of free or low-cost activities, events and programs, and other local resources and services that help make life a little easier. Learn more.
EarlyON Programs provide opportunities to learn and play with your child, meet people and get advice from early childhood professionals. Programs are free and hosted at Family Centres and community locations located within London and Middlesex County. Learn more.
All Family Centres and EarlyON Community locations in London and Middlesex County are closed due to COVID-19 (2019 Novel Coronavirus) precautions.
Virtual Program Descriptions (A-Z)
Activité de bricolage / Craft activity
Join us on our Facebook page in the afternoon to get inspired with new craft ideas.
Activité de numératie / Numeracy activity
Visit our Facebook page to find an engaging numeracy activity for your child.
Bedtime Stories (video)
Get ready for bedtime with a story read by the Family Centre Argyle staff!
Bedtime Stories with Krista (video)
Get ready for bedtime with a story read by Krista!
Chants et comptines / Songs and rhymes in French (video)
Visit La Ribambelle's Facebook page to sing songs and rhymes with your little ones in French.
Contes et histoires / Storytime in French (Facebook Live)
Join La Ribambelle staff on Facebook Live for storytime in French! The video will remain posted for those that can't join during the Live session.
Count Me In with Allan (video)
Tuesdays are all about numbers at Family Centre Westminster! Watch Allan in a fun and educational video about numbers.
Family Activity (Facebook post)
Get inspired with new ideas for fun family activities.
Infant Songs & Stories with Darlene (video)
Sing along and read to your infant with Darlene.
Infant Songs & Stories with Jen (video)
Sing along and read to your infant with Jen from Family Centre Carling-Thames.
Little Learners at Play with Irene (video)
Engage your child in learning with a read-aloud story and suggested questions and learning activities to follow.
Nature Activity (Facebook post)
Get inspired to go out and explore nature with these creative ideas from Family Centre Argyle!
One on One Parenting Support
Meet virtually, one on one with a Parent Support Educator via Zoom to ask your questions, problem solve and gain another perspective. Arrange a time that parenting works best for you with Paula at or Charity at
Outdoor Activity (Facebook post)
Get inspired to go outdoors with fun outdoor activity ideas.
Parent & Baby Salsa (Zoom)
Join us from the comfort of your own home for this 3-week video call series of Parent & Baby Salsa (beginning June 11th). Dancing with your baby stimulates several areas of your baby’s brain. Get ready to bond with your baby as you have fun learning to salsa together!
You will need an infant front carrier or secure baby wrap, water and enough space to move freely! Recommended for babies (0-15months) as long as they can safely fit into a front carrier.
Parent & Child Yoga (Zoom)
Join us for some social distancing yoga through video conferencing. Parent & Child Yoga is a playful way to help you and your child keep your minds and bodies balanced. This will be 3 sessions that will introduce parents and their little ones to the basics of yoga. It is best suited for children aged 3 years and up, with an adult in their household. Come ready with comfortable clothing. A yoga mat, book and a plush animal (breathing buddy) will be provided by pick up in front of Family Centre Argyle (1990 Royal Cres.) on June 12th at 11AM.
In order to learn the poses properly, the facilitator recommends that this be a one adult to one child activity.
Only the adult needs a ticket but please provide the child's first name and age.
Parent Chat (Zoom)
Join Michelle and Shelley from White Oaks Family Centre for some conversation and connection. Let us know how you’re doing and chat with other families. A great way to share your experience of being at home with your children and to gather some tips and strength from each other. Let’s stay connected while we stay apart!
Parent Circle (Zoom)
Parenting is hard . . . especially when you can't even leave the house! Join other parents for a guided discussion on the ups and downs of real-life parenting. Topics will include positive discipline, mindfulness, transitions, routines, parenting as a team, and anywhere else the conversation may take us.
June 1 - Terrific Toddlers
June 8 - Sharing
June 15 - Self Compassion
June 22 - Big Emotions & Resiliency
June 29 - Body Talk
Petit chefs / Little Chefs (video)
This course will bring kids into the kitchen and teach them not only great tasting recipes, but cooking fundamentals such as how to stay safe in a kitchen, measure ingredients, read recipes, and set a table.
Physical Break (Facebook Live)
Take a break to get moving with Family Centre Argyle staff!
Pyjama Party Story-time with Lorena & Brooke (Zoom)
It’s a pajama party, so come in your pajamas and join Lorena & Brooke via Zoom for a special storytime! songs, rhymes and stories before bed.
Story featured: Bedtime For Baby Shark by John Bajet
If you love Baby Shark, join us for a sing-along and bedtime story! Bring your bubbles!
Recipe of the Week (Facebook post)
Visit our Facebook page to find a new inspiring recipe to try with your child.
Resources & Inspiration (Facebook post)
Visit our Facebook page to get inspired with resources and ideas to keep your children active, engaged, and learning.
Science with Krista (Facebook Live)
Join us on Facebook Live to get inspired with a new interactive science activity from Krista!
Science with Lena (video)
Visit our Facebook page to get inspired with new science activities from Lena!
Sleep and Your Baby
Meet virtually, one to one with Paula, a Parent Support Educator, who will help you get to know more about your baby's sleep patterns and how to respond. Arrange a time that works best for you with Paula at
Songs & Stories (Facebook Live)
Read and sing along as during songs and story playtime!
Songs & Stories (video)
Follow along as Family Centre staff read stories and sing songs!
Songs & Stories with Allan (video)
Read along with Allan from Family Centre Westminster.
Songs & Stories with Ann (video)
Follow along as Ann reads stories and sings songs!
Songs & Stories with Darlene (video)
Sing along and read to your child with Darlene.
Songs & Stories with Krista (video)
Follow along as Krista reads stories and sings songs on Facebook live. The video will remain posted on our Facebook page if you cannot join us during the live session.
Songs & Stories with Lara (Facebook live)
Follow along as Lara reads stories and sings songs on Facebook live. The video will remain posted on our Facebook page if you cannot join us during the live session.
Songs & Stories with Omayra (video)
Follow along as Omayra reads stories and sings songs.
Songs with Darlene (video)
Sing along with Darlene!
Spanish Song Time (Facebook Live)
Sing along in Spanish on our Facebook Live page! Video will remain posted to view after the Live session.
Stories with Linda (video)
Follow along with Linda as she reads a storybook.
Story & Craft with Krista (video)
Watch Krista on Facebook as she reads a storybook and makes a craft inspired by the story!
Story Stretchers (video)
Read a storybook and get inspired to make crafts related to the story at the end!
Superfoods for Superkids (video)
Get inspired to cook and eat super foods with your kids!
Tuesday Tales (video)
Read along with the Family Centre Argyle staff!
Virtual Kitchen Pantry Science - Outdoor Edition (Zoom)
Join us on ZOOM every Monday at 10:30 a.m. to experiment and explore with your senses in the outdoors!
Week 4 Magic Mud - Grab some bowls, pails, shovels, and spoons and join us outside as we explore and make magic mud pies, cakes, or muffins using real mud!
Week 5 Edible Edition - Bring a salad lunch and your favourite teddy or stuffed animal. We will shake, shake, shake our way to a dressing, and a refreshing drink! A mix of yummy edible chemistry and fun!
Virtual Playgroup (Zoom)
A virtual opportunity to see their playgroup friends!