Children's Centres

346 Wonderland Rd S
London, ON
N6K 1L3
London, ON
N6K 1L3


Last Updated: Sep 9, 2024: Suggest an edit
Eligibility / Target Population
Children 12 years and younger, and their families and caregivers
Set fees * subsidy available for eligible families
Area Served
London and area

Description of Services
School-based and centre-based child care and early education programs for toddler and preschool children * before- and after-school programs * full-day programs for school-age children on non-instructional school days * licensed by the Ministry of Education
Services and Programs:
- Ashley Oaks Children's Centre
- Bonaventure Meadows Children's Centre
- Byron Somerset Children's Centre
- Cedar Hollow Children's Centre
- Jack Chambers Children's Centre
- North London Children's Centre
- Rick Hansen Children's Centre
- Summerside Children's Centre
- Westminster Children's Centre
- Westmount Children's Centre
- White Oaks Children's Centre
Last Updated: Sep 9, 2024: Suggest an edit