London Children's Connection

346 Wonderland Rd S
London, ON
N6K 1L3
London, ON
N6K 1L3


Last Updated: Jul 23, 2024: Suggest an edit
Eligibility / Target Population
Children 12 years and younger, and their families and caregivers
Area Served
London and area

Description of Services
Non-profit provider of licensed child care, early learning, and family support programs * services available in agency centres, in schools, and in the homes of approved child care providers
- Children's Centres School-based and centre-based child care and early education programs for toddler and preschool children * before- and after-school programs * full-day programs for school-age children on non-instructional school days * licensed by the Ministry of Education
- Community Home Child Care - London Licensed child care program in approved caregivers' homes
- Community Home Child Care - Middlesex Licensed child care program in approved caregivers' homes
- School Age Program Licensed before- and after-school child care in more than 70 elementary schools * full-day programs for children enrolled in the School Age Program on school holidays (PD days, Christmas break, March Break, summer break)
Services and Programs:
About Us
London Children's Connection is a non-profit organization. We provide high quality child care programs and related services that encompass the care, education and guidance of children, from infancy to school age, in London and the surrounding area. By supporting children and families, we are helping to build caring communities.
Last Updated: Jul 23, 2024: Suggest an edit