Middlesex-London Health Unit

Citi Plaza
355 Wellington St, Suite 110
London, ON
N6A 3N7
355 Wellington St, Suite 110
London, ON
N6A 3N7


Fax: 519-663-9581

Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025: Suggest an edit
Call or visit * no referral required * appointments or registration required for certain programs or classes
Eligibility / Target Population
Varies depending on service
Varies by program * most programs are free
Dr Alexander Summers - Medical Officer of Health
English ; French
Language Notes
French website * French available for Healthy Start * scheduling of French interpretation available upon request for Communicable Disease and Sexual Health Services
Area Served
London and Middlesex

Description of Services
Health agency that addresses public health issues and promotes healthy living
- immunization and screening for communicable diseases
- health education programs
- prenatal classes and programs
- healthy child development
- child health
- dental health
- sexual health
- injury prevention
- road safety
- environmental health
- physical activity
- nutrition
- tobacco control
- public health standards enforcement
- research and population-based health research
- food safety
- alcohol and substance use
- rabies
- Clinical Services Programs and services that work to reduce the risk of injury, chronic disease and improve health
- Environmental Health, Infectious Disease, and Clinical Sevices Environmental issues aims to prevent the spread of diseases * creates a healthy environment for people to love, work and play
- Family and Community Health Public health programs, services, information and support for parents and families before pregnancy, during pregnancy, after baby is born and until children start school
- Public Health Foundations Information to support other public health services delivered by the health unit * population health and surveillance data is generated to understand the health needs of the population in the Middlesex-London region * planning, evaluations and evidence are used to ensure effective, equitable public health interventions are delivered as part of the health unit's programs and services
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About Us
The Middlesex-London Health Unit has many programs and services that are designed to help you live a healthy life, free from disease and injury.
Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025: Suggest an edit