Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program

City Plaza
355 Wellington St, Suite 110
355 Wellington St, Suite 110

Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program: 416-916-0204
Health Unit Dental Services: 519-663-5317
Health Unit Dental Services: 519-663-5317

Toll-Free: Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program: 1-833-207-4435

Fax: 519-663-9581

Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025: Suggest an edit
Drop in or visit website for application material * submit application by mail * annual renewal of coverage required
Eligibility / Target Population
Ontario residents 65 years and older * must meet following income requirements: annual net income of $25,000 or less for a single senior, or combined annual net income of $41,500 or less for a couple * must not have other form of dental benefits, including private insurance or other government dental coverage
Omar Ozaldin - Director
Language Notes
French website * French available for Healthy Start * scheduling of French interpretation available upon request for Communicable Disease and Sexual Health Services
Area Served
London and Middlesex County

Description of Services
Dental Services for qualifying older adults 65+ through the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program.
Services include:
Services include:
- Hygiene (cleanings)
- Treatment (ie. Fillings, some root canals and crowns)
- Dentures
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Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025: Suggest an edit