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Canadian Hearing Services - London Region

301 Oxford St W, Unit 4
London, ON
N6H 1S6
Toll-Free: 1-866-518-0000
Fax: 1-855-259-8152
iconPath Mon-Fri 9am-5pm


Call, fax, email * no referral required

Eligibility / Target Population

People with hearing loss, or with an interest in hearing loss


Support services are free * set fees for devices and sign language interpreting services * membership available


English ; American Sign Language (ASL)

Area Served

London, Middlesex, Elgin, Huron, Lambton, Oxford, Perth and Grey Bruce


W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services

Supports for people who are Deaf and hard of hearing * helps people remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible * referral to other community services * programs and services include:
  • accessibility services
  • counselling services
  • education programs
  • employment services
  • hearing healthcare
  • Communication Devices Program E-store with a full range of technical devices which promote better communication, increases independence and improves quality of life * offers practical technical solutions that enhances or facilities communications * offers a full range of services from initial consultation to installation and training
  • Hearing Care Counselling Services include assessment and support for seniors with hearing loss * the goal is to develop, maintain, or augment sensory capacity to promote maximum independence * the Hearing Care Counsellor Program assists seniors with hearing loss * counsellors conduct home visits (or virtual visits), provide education, demonstrate and recommend communication devices, facilitate hard of hearing support groups and teach hearing help classes, and workshops * Hearing Care Counselling also provides in-service training to supportive housing, retirement homes and long-term care facilities
  • Integrated Employment Services Employment resources and coaching to find sustainable employment in Ontario

Services and Programs:

About Us

Provider of services, products, and information that helps to remove barriers to communication, advance hearing health, and promote equity for people who are culturally Deaf, oral deaf, deafened and hard of hearing.

Last Updated: Sep 18, 2024: Suggest an edit