TB Testing

410 Buller St
Woodstock, ON
N4S 4N2
Woodstock, ON
N4S 4N2


Toll-Free: 1-800-922-0096

Last Updated: Jul 19, 2024: Suggest an edit
Appointment required * call to book appointment * no health card needed
Eligibility / Target Population
TB skin test for medical or immigration purposes only
Area Served
Oxford County

Description of Services
TB skin testing * by appointment only * clients must return to the Health Unit two days later to have the TB skin test read by a Public Health Nurse * TB skin tests are only done onsite for medical or immigration purposes * offers tuberculosis (TB) skin testing at SWPH for one of these reasons:
TB Skin Tests (TST) that are required for work, school, volunteer positions/placements, or travel can be scheduled by appointment through the following agencies for a fee
- You need a test for a medical reason and have a letter from your health care provider
- You are new to Canada and need a test for immigration purposes
- You have had recent contact with a person who is sick with active TB
TB Skin Tests (TST) that are required for work, school, volunteer positions/placements, or travel can be scheduled by appointment through the following agencies for a fee
- Care Partners at 1-800-443-4615 (locations in Woodstock, Tillsonburg, Stratford)
- some walk-in clinics
- many family physicians
- School Health Services (if attending a post-secondary institution)
Last Updated: Jul 19, 2024: Suggest an edit