TVCC Elgin Satellite Site

34 Churchill Cres, Suite 201
St Thomas, ON
N5R 1N9
34 Churchill Cres, Suite 201
St Thomas, ON
N5R 1N9

For new referrals: 519-663-0273
For new referrals: 519-663-0273

Toll-Free: 1-877-818-8255

Fax: 519-633-0706

TykeTalk sessions by appointment
Last Updated: Feb 2, 2024: Suggest an edit
Call or visit TVCC website for referral * referrals accepted from families or community professionals
Eligibility / Target Population
Children from birth to school entry
Free * services are covered by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
English ; French
Language Notes
French speech-language pathologist * French resources through the office and website * French link on website called 'petitsPARLEURS' * Interpretation available upon request
Area Served
Elgin County

Description of Services
Early childhood speech, language and feeding/swallowing assessment and therapy services
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Last Updated: Feb 2, 2024: Suggest an edit