Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS)

1119 Jalna Blvd
London, ON
N6E 3B3
London, ON
N6E 3B3

Jalna Location: 519-686-8600
Westmount Location: 519-472-5502
Westmount Location: 519-472-5502

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025: Suggest an edit
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Eligibility / Target Population
English ; Arabic ; Portuguese ; Spanish ; Kurdish ; Vietnamese ; Amharic ; Malay ; Pashto ; Tagalog ; Ukrainian ; Belarusian
Area Served

Description of Services
Assists newcomer students and their families settle into school and community * program offered in partnership with the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB), the London Catholic District School Board (LCDSB), and community agencies
SWIS staff work in more than twenty designated schools in London to perform the following tasks:
SWIS staff work in more than twenty designated schools in London to perform the following tasks:
- provide orientation to the education system (in conjunction with school staff)
- provide orientation to other Canadian customs, institutions, culture, and society
- information and referrals to education and community resources
- assist students and their families to strengthen their community connections
- promote culturally sensitive links between school staff and newcomer families
- organize group sessions for parents and students about community resources
- organize annually, with partners, the Newcomer Orientation Week (NOW) for new high school students
Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025: Suggest an edit