Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

5200 Wellington Rd S
London, ON
N6E 3X8
London, ON
N6E 3X8


Last Updated: Sep 4, 2024: Suggest an edit
Contact the high school guidance counsellor, co-op education teacher or the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Coordinator for the school board
Eligibility / Target Population
Full- or part-time students at one of the school board's secondary schools * must be at least 16 years old for construction and 15 years old for other sectors * must have successfully completed 14 credits toward Ontario Secondary School Diploma before starting program
Area Served
London, Middlesex, Elgin and Oxford

Description of Services
Cooperative education program for high school students to explore apprenticeship and consider careers in skilled trades * students earn high school credits while obtaining apprenticeship hours
Last Updated: Sep 4, 2024: Suggest an edit