Children's Program

145 Beech St
Strathroy, ON
N7G 1K9
Strathroy, ON
N7G 1K9


1-800-265-5390 (24-hour)

Fax: 519-246-1422

Administration: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Last Updated: Nov 7, 2024: Suggest an edit
Call for assistance * drop-in at the shelter if necessary
Eligibility / Target Population
Women and children experiencing abuse and violence
Language Notes
Interpretation available upon request
Area Served
West Middlesex

Description of Services
Supports mothers, caregivers, children, and youth impacted by woman abuse by providing one-on-one and group counselling
Counsellors seek to strengthen child-parent attachments and promote children's resiliency factors by providing a safe place to process experiences of trauma related to abuse * mothers provided with supports to enhance their parenting capacity
Counselling services available at the Centre, as well as various locations throughout Middlesex County
Counsellors seek to strengthen child-parent attachments and promote children's resiliency factors by providing a safe place to process experiences of trauma related to abuse * mothers provided with supports to enhance their parenting capacity
Counselling services available at the Centre, as well as various locations throughout Middlesex County
About Us
All services are free and confidential
Last Updated: Nov 7, 2024: Suggest an edit