Community Services

871 Trafalgar St
London, ON
N5Z 1E6
London, ON
N5Z 1E6

Administration: 519-433-3101
Intake Services: 519-433-0334
Intake Services: 519-433-0334

519-433-0334 (24 hour)

Fax: 519-433-1302

Crisis Telephone: Daily 24 hours
Last Updated: Sep 25, 2024: Suggest an edit
Call * no referral required
Eligibility / Target Population
Children (aged 0-14 years old in Middlesex, 7-14 years old in London) experiencing social, emotional and behaviour challenges and their families
English ; French ; Arabic ; Dutch ; Spanish
Language Notes
French reception, programs, publications, and website for some services * French interpretation available upon request, contact bilingual intake at 519-433-3101 ext 228
Area Served
London and Middlesex

Description of Services
Talk-in clinics, family therapy, intensive in-home services and treatment groups for children and families
- Family Therapy Family therapy offered to infants, children, youth up to 14 years old and their caregivers * therapy provided by Child and Family Therapists and interns * services are offered in London and various sites in Middlesex County (Strathroy, Lucan, Parkhill, Glencoe, Dorchester)
- Group Services London-based groups:
- In-Home Family Support In-home support assisting parents to establish and maintain daily consistency and routines within the home, provide service coordination and improve communication and relationships through consistency and structure
- Talk-In Clinics Drop-in counselling sessions for children, youth, and their families * offered at various locations in London and rural Middlesex
Last Updated: Sep 25, 2024: Suggest an edit