Mental Health Care Building

550 Wellington Rd
Switchboard: 519-646-6100
iconPath Daily 24 hours
Administration: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Last Updated: Jul 18, 2024: Suggest an edit


Call * medical assessment required

Eligibility / Target Population

Youth and adults, 13 years and older, with severe and persistent mental illness


Covered by OHIP



Language Notes

Interpretation available upon request

Area Served

Southwestern Ontario (including Haldimand-Norfolk, Waterloo and Wellington)


W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services

Inpatient and outpatient mental health services at the tertiary and long-term level

Services are provided by multidisciplinary teams and include assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, follow-up and referral to other community programs * consultation and education to service providers
  • Assessment Program Specialized inpatient and community-oriented mental health services for people with serious mental illness who do not meet admission criteria to other St Joseph’s programs, or who require specialized diagnostic assessment
  • Biigajiiskaan: Indigenous Pathways to Mental Wellness Program An Indigenous-led mobile outreach team that works in-hospital and in the community to provide consultation, assessment, treatment planning/management, discharge planning and ambulatory services
  • Dual Diagnosis Program 12- bed inpatient unit provides specialized (multisensory) assessment, treatment, rehabilitation and support services
  • Geriatric Psychiatry Program Specialized psychiatric care and support for older adults who suffer from late onset mental illnesses or severe behavioural responses * program focuses on assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, prevention, family and community support and education
  • Treatment and Rehabilitation Program Inpatient and outpatient care for adults over 18 who have severe and complex mental illness that has not fully responded to treatment * mental illnesses are predominantly mood and psychotic disorders including bipolar mood disorder and schizophrenia

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About Us

The programs at St. Joseph's Mental Health Care Building at Parkwood Institute strive to provide a positive, respectful, culturally sensitive environment that understands the unique needs of every individual.

Last Updated: Jul 18, 2024: Suggest an edit