Specialized Geriatric Services

Main Bldg
550 Wellington Rd
London, ON
N6C 0A7
550 Wellington Rd
London, ON
N6C 0A7

519-646-6100 ext 42982

Fax: 519-685-4020

Last Updated: Jul 18, 2024: Suggest an edit
Referrals may be initiated by health care providers, older adults, or family members/informal caregivers * referrals by a doctor must be made through the centralized intake and triage
Eligibility / Target Population
Adults 65 and older, and people with disabilities, who need physical, social, or emotional supports
Covered by OHIP * some transportation costs
Erin Watson - Director
519-685-4292 ext 42412 * erin.watson@sjhc.london.on.ca
519-685-4292 ext 42412 * erin.watson@sjhc.london.on.ca
Kimberly Navarro - Administrative Assistant
519-685-4292 ext 42982
519-685-4292 ext 42982
Language Notes
Interpretation services available upon request
Area Served
London and area

Description of Services
Specialized care of older persons * evaluation and treating of functional, medical, and psycho-social aspects of illness and disability
Consultation, education, community development and evaluation of services * linked to older adults evaluation teams in ten counties by the Southwestern Ontario Geriatric Assessment Network
Consultation, education, community development and evaluation of services * linked to older adults evaluation teams in ten counties by the Southwestern Ontario Geriatric Assessment Network
- Geriatric Ambulatory Clinics Consultative outpatient services and specialty clinics
- Geriatric Rehabilitation Day Hospital Hospital-based outpatient day program for frail older adults * offers nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and social work services to help patients be healthy, independent, and maintain their quality of life * program collaborates with community services to ensure the right supports are in place for frail seniors at home
- Geriatric Rehabilitation Unit 30-bed hospital inpatient rehabilitation program for older adults with multiple, complex health problems * goal is to promote patient's health, functional independence, and quality of life * services provided by doctors, nurse practitioner, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapy/occupational therapy assistants, therapeutic recreation specialists, speech language pathologists, audiologists, dietitians, and social workers
- Inpatient Unit Inpatient clinical consultation, assessment, treatment, education, research and evaluation
- Outreach Peer support groups, education, and training for family members, service providers, and caregivers * sessions may include information such as advanced directives and safety issues
- Physical Maintenance Program Half-day program aimed at maintaining the client's physical function and mobility conducted by a rehabilitation trainer and a therapeutic recreation specialist with the assistance of volunteers
- Regional Geriatric Program Assessment of frail older adults in homes, hospitals, and long-term care homes * outreach team provides recommendations to care providers, families, and patients
Services and Programs:
Last Updated: Jul 18, 2024: Suggest an edit