Complex Care Program

550 Wellington Rd

519-646-6100 ext 44015

Fax: 519-685-4457

Last Updated: Jul 17, 2024: Suggest an edit
Application form
Complex Continuing/Respite Care - Application for Complex Care, and STAP can be obtained by email or accessing application online
Complex Continuing/Respite Care - Application for Complex Care, and STAP can be obtained by email or accessing application online
Eligibility / Target Population
Adults 18 years and older, with chronic or complex conditions * criteria varies by service * call for more information
Covered by OHIP (STAP and Palliative Care) * co-payment for Continuing Care
Lisa Malbrecht - Program Director
Pally Chahal - Administrative Assistant
Pally Chahal - Administrative Assistant
Language Notes
Interpretation available upon request
Area Served
Southwestern Ontario

Description of Services
Continuing medical management and a range of interdisciplinary, diagnostic, therapeutic and technological services * assessment, restoration, reactivation, palliative care and continuing care placement
- Complex Continuing Care 62-bed inpatient rehabilitation program for adults who have ongoing complex care needs that cannot be meet in the community or in a long-term care home
- Long-Term Ventilator Care Program Provides a clinical setting for patients requiring long-term mechanical ventilation (LTV). >
- Palliative Care Inpatient palliative care unit that provides pain and symptom management and end-of-life care for patients with a life-limiting illness * patients are provided specialized care by an interdisciplinary team focused on physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2024: Suggest an edit