Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Wonderland Rd N (Sherwood Forest Mall)

Sherwood Forest Mall
1225 Wonderland Rd N
London, ON
N6G 2V9
1225 Wonderland Rd N
London, ON
N6G 2V9


Fax: 519-472-0019

Last Updated: Nov 22, 2023: Suggest an edit
Dispensing fee plus medication costs * prescribed medications may be covered by OHIP
Brian Kim - Owner and Pharmacist
Area Served
London and area

Description of Services
General pharmacy
- basic home health care supplies
- delivery available for a fee
- breast pump sales and rentals
- free seasonal flu vaccines
- treatment and prescription of medications for common medical ailments, including rashes, pink eye, insect bites, acne, and urinary tract infections
- prescription of COVID-19 antiviral treatment (Paxlovid)
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About Us
Maintaining your health through prescriptions is necessary, but not necessarily simple. Shoppers Drug Mart is committed to providing the services and support you need to understand and manage your prescriptions, in your language.
Last Updated: Nov 22, 2023: Suggest an edit