Community Alternatives for Youth - St Thomas and Elgin

410 Sunset Dr
St. Thomas
Fax: 519-633-5592
iconPath Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Last Updated: Feb 5, 2024: Suggest an edit


Criminal justice referrals

Eligibility / Target Population

Youth and adults involved or at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system


Fee for some programs (adult)


Mary Ann Branje - Director of Community Programs
416-659-0669 *


Brian Cooper - Community Justice Worker

Area Served



W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services

Practical services designed to help clients with the criminal justice system and community integration with a view to prevent similar problems from reoccurring

Accountability and Opportunity for Youth - Extrajudicial measures and extrajudicial sanctions (pre and post charge diversion) * youth must acknowledge participation in the offence and are given the opportunity to take responsibility without getting a criminal conviction

Youth Justice Committee Program - Serves as an alternative to the court-based system to handle low risk offences committed by youth * includes the youth, persons harmed, and community to provide an opportunity for healing and repairing the harm done

Community Reintegration Program - Assistance to youth who are currently serving a term of probation * youth worker and case manager help develop a personalized plan * assistance can include help with appropriate housing, obtaining proper identification, returning to school, employment services, life skills, counselling and transportation where needed

Community Service Orders - Hours assigned by the court to be completed at a nonprofit organization within a specific time period * community service orders are given to adults * suitable placement found and follow-up with the court for confirmation of completion

Direct Accountability Program - Diversion Program for Adults. Referred by the Courts. Program options include Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program, Anger and Substance Awareness Program and Stop Shop Theft.  Other Program Options also available.

Adult Alternative Measures Program - Program gives people charged with a criminal offence the opportunity to take responsibility for their actions without getting a criminal conviction * fee for service

Support Groups and One-on-One Counselling -  Youth ages 12 -17 Includes Anger Awareness, Healthy Choices, Life skills, D.A.W.N (Drug and Alcohol Awareness Program), BLAST (Anti-bullying Awareness), Second Step, Community Learning Hub programs (employment, financial literacy, substance education, Girls Group and anger management), and Create Your Skate Program

Youth Homelessness Protocol - 211 - Participating agency for the Youth Homelessness Protocol, designed to assist youth ages 12-24 in Elgin County who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in finding a safe place to stay and to receive the supports needed to find safe long-term housing

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Last Updated: Feb 5, 2024: Suggest an edit