Community Alternatives for Youth - St Thomas and Elgin

410 Sunset Dr
St Thomas
Fax: 519-633-5592
iconPath Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025: Suggest an edit


Criminal justice referrals

Eligibility / Target Population

Youth and adults involved or at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system


Fee for some programs (adult)


Mary Ann Branje - Director of Community Programs
416-659-0669 *


Brian Cooper - Community Justice Worker

Area Served



W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services

Practical services designed to help clients with the criminal justice system and community integration with a view to prevent similar problems from reoccurring

Accountability and Opportunity for Youth - Extrajudicial measures and extrajudicial sanctions (pre and post charge diversion) * youth must acknowledge participation in the offence and are given the opportunity to take responsibility without getting a criminal conviction

Youth Justice Committee Program - Serves as an alternative to the court-based system to handle low risk offences committed by youth * includes the youth, persons harmed, and community to provide an opportunity for healing and repairing the harm done

Community Reintegration Program - Assistance to youth who are currently serving a term of probation * youth worker and case manager help develop a personalized plan * assistance can include help with appropriate housing, obtaining proper identification, returning to school, employment services, life skills, counselling and transportation where needed

Community Service Orders - Hours assigned by the court to be completed at a nonprofit organization within a specific time period * community service orders are given to adults * suitable placement found and follow-up with the court for confirmation of completion

Direct Accountability Program - Diversion program for adults * referred by the Courts * program options include Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program, Anger and Substance Awareness Program and Stop Shop Theft * other program options also available

Adult Alternative Measures Program - Program gives people charged with a criminal offence the opportunity to take responsibility for their actions without getting a criminal conviction * fee for service

Support Groups and One-on-One Counselling -  Youth ages 12 -17 Includes Anger Awareness, Healthy Choices, Life skills, D.A.W.N (Drug and Alcohol Awareness Program), BLAST (Anti-bullying Awareness), Second Step, Community Learning Hub programs (employment, financial literacy, substance education, Girls Group and anger management), and Create Your Skate Program

Youth Homelessness Protocol - 211 - Participating agency for the Youth Homelessness Protocol, designed to assist youth ages 12-24 in Elgin County who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in finding a safe place to stay and to receive the supports needed to find safe long-term housing

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Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025: Suggest an edit