Rowbust Breast Cancer Survivor Dragonboat Racing Team

PO Box 50027
London, ON
N6A 6H8
London, ON
N6A 6H8

Last Updated: Nov 30, 2023: Suggest an edit
Email or visit website
Eligibility / Target Population
Survivors of breast cancer post 3 months out of treatment to be a paddling member
Set fee
Maggie Vandenbroek - President
519-719-2867 * mvanden3@hotmail.com
Patsy Ste Marie - Secretary/Registrar
519-719-2867 * mvanden3@hotmail.com
Patsy Ste Marie - Secretary/Registrar
Area Served
London, Middlesex, Elgin, Huron, Oxford, and Perth

Description of Services
Opportunity for fitness as a means to rehabilitation following diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer * dry land training during winter months at GoodLife Fitness London Talbot Village, seasonal training at Fanshawe Lake at the Fanshawe Yacht Club * various competitions during the summer months to promote increased awareness of breast cancer
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Last Updated: Nov 30, 2023: Suggest an edit