Northwest London Resource Centre

Sherwood Forest Mall
1225 Wonderland Rd N, Unit 27A
London, ON
N6G 2V9
1225 Wonderland Rd N, Unit 27A
London, ON
N6G 2V9


Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025: Suggest an edit
Call, email, or drop-in * call office or visit website for more information on Food Depot dates or Emergency Food Cupboard hours, as they differ from regular office hours
Eligibility / Target Population
Children, youth and families living in Northwest London neighbourhoods
Nancy Needham - Executive Director
Area Served
Northwest London

Description of Services
Neighbourhood resource centre providing community development with a focus on inclusiveness and access to community services, information, activities, and initiatives
* programming and events support skill-building, volunteering, leadership, mentoring, healthy lifestyles, and community participation * goal to reduce social isolation, provide education and employment opportunities, develop social and life skills, and strengthen the neighbourhood
Services include:
Services include:
- Youth Programming - After-school and lunch drop-ins (ages 11-14), Employment Readiness ( ages 15- 24), Summer Programs and Youth Employment opportunities
- Support Services - helping individuals and families access: Food Bank, Meal Programs, referrals and connection to community resources
- Settlement Integration Services for Newcomers - providing essential support for newcomers: Needs and Asset Assessment and Referrals (NAARS), Information & Orientation Services, Community Connections, Employment Related Services and Support Services
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Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025: Suggest an edit