Sexually Transmitted Infections Clinic

Citi Plaza
355 Wellington St, Suite 110
London, ON
N6A 3N7
355 Wellington St, Suite 110
London, ON
N6A 3N7


Fax: 519-663-8273

Last Updated: Nov 14, 2024: Suggest an edit
Book an appointment or drop in * no referral or health card needed
Eligibility / Target Population
People who need sexual health services
Free testing and treatment of sexual transmitted infections
Omar Ozaldin - Director
English ; French
Language Notes
Scheduling of French interpretation available upon request for Communicable Disease and Sexual Health Services
Area Served
London and area

Description of Services
Sexual health clinic * health professionals test for and treat sexually transmitted infections
- emergency birth control
- pregnancy testing and counseling
- needle exchange program
- HIV counseling and referral
- free condoms
- Naloxone training available
- PREP available (Pre-exposure prophylaxis)
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Last Updated: Nov 14, 2024: Suggest an edit