Stoney Creek Library

920 Sunningdale Rd E
London, ON
N5X 0H5
London, ON
N5X 0H5


Last Updated: Jul 25, 2024: Suggest an edit
Call or visit
Library cards are free for London residents * fees for some services
English ; Many other languages
Language Notes
Library settlement workers speak a variety of languages
Area Served
London and area

Description of Services
Public library branch
Features include:
Library Settlement Partnership - Information and referral for newcomers settling in Canada * information on careers, health care, language classes, housing, and education * access to library resources
Features include:
- free WiFi
- computers
- printers, photocopiers, scanners
Library Settlement Partnership - Information and referral for newcomers settling in Canada * information on careers, health care, language classes, housing, and education * access to library resources
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Last Updated: Jul 25, 2024: Suggest an edit