Old South Family Health Organization

460 Springbank Dr, Suite 308
London, ON
N6J 1H1
London, ON
N6J 1H1

519-433-3180 * see below for a complete list of doctors' phone numbers

After Hours Clinic: Mon-Thu 5pm-8pm * Sat 8:30am-5pm
Last Updated: Aug 8, 2024: Suggest an edit
Registered patients call for appointment * medical referral by doctor affiliated with the Thames Valley Family Health Team
Eligibility / Target Population
Registered patients
Most services covered by OHIP
Area Served
London, Middlesex, Elgin and Oxford

Description of Services
Medical health care team focused on family and community health * coordinates patient care in order to assess and treat injuries or illness * team includes family doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, pharmacists, dietitians, respiratory therapists, and occupational therapists
Last Updated: Aug 8, 2024: Suggest an edit