Community Fitness Centre

1001 Fanshawe College Blvd, J Building (northwest of the Student Union)
London, ON
N5Y 5R6
London, ON
N5Y 5R6


Last Updated: Oct 30, 2024: Suggest an edit
Full-time students: Log into WebAdvisor and complete Wellness Centre Active Questionnaire
Part-time students: Drop-in * registration to be completed at the Fitness Centre's Front Desk (J1034)
Part-time students: Drop-in * registration to be completed at the Fitness Centre's Front Desk (J1034)
Eligibility / Target Population
Fanshawe College students and staff
Membership fees * some programs may be additional fees
Area Served
London and area

Description of Services
Fully equipped health and fitness club
Services are only for full or part-time students with valid school ID
Services are only for full or part-time students with valid school ID
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Last Updated: Oct 30, 2024: Suggest an edit