Day Break

140 Ann St, Unit 101
London, ON
N6A 1R3
London, ON
N6A 1R3

519-472-6381 ext 1200

Last Updated: Nov 25, 2024: Suggest an edit
Eligibility / Target Population
London or Middlesex County residents 18 years and older with complex needs * must live at home with family or caregiver * must required 24-hour care or support due to physical, cognitive, or developmental disability * must no longer be eligible for educational support
Free for up to 20 hours per week * additional hours may be available for a fee
English ; French
Language Notes
ASL and other translators available on request
Area Served
London and Middlesex

Description of Services
Day program for young adults with complex needs * social, recreational, and therapeutic activities in a group setting for part of the day * helps to support family caregivers who provide day-to-day care
- fitness
- health and wellness
- life skills training
- literacy
- peer support
- community events
Last Updated: Nov 25, 2024: Suggest an edit