School Therapy Services

779 Base Line Rd E
London, ON
N6C 5Y6
London, ON
N6C 5Y6

Intake: 519-685-8716 (London)

Toll-Free: Intake: 1-866-590-8822 ext 58716 (outside London)

Last Updated: Jul 18, 2024: Suggest an edit
Referral required from child's school
Eligibility / Target Population
Children and youth registered in public elementary and secondary schools who have assessed needs for School Therapy Services and require those services to be able to attend school, receive instruction, and participate in school routines
Area Served
Southwestern Ontario

Description of Services
Occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and speech therapy for school-aged children in their publicly-funded schools
School Therapy Services are offered in London, Middlesex, Oxford, Elgin, Huron, Perth, Grey, and Bruce
School Therapy Services are offered in London, Middlesex, Oxford, Elgin, Huron, Perth, Grey, and Bruce
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Last Updated: Jul 18, 2024: Suggest an edit