COVID-19 Service Change: Meals on Wheels, in-home nursing and home support continue. Volunteer visiting may continue via phone. Adult day program transitioned to virtual program model. SMART/exercise and falls prevention classes, congregate dining, foot care, caregiver programs and chronic pain management program are suspended. See Program Changes for more information.
Wellness Link

1151 Florence St, Suite 200
London, ON
N5W 2M7
London, ON
N5W 2M7

Administration: 519-659-2273

Fax: 519-659-6191

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2024: Suggest an edit
Call * no referral required
Eligibility / Target Population
Tenants of rent-geared-to-income London Housing Corporation buildings who require support
Fees associated with certain programs
Debra Selwyn - Director, Home and Community Care
Dee-Ann Vickers - Manager, Home and Community Care
519-659-2273 ext 22348 * dee-ann.vickers@von.ca
Dee-Ann Vickers - Manager, Home and Community Care
519-659-2273 ext 22348 * dee-ann.vickers@von.ca
Elaine Vanderleeuw - Coordinator of Client Services
519-455-1422 * elaine.vanderleeuw@von.ca
Taylor House - Coordinator of Client Services
519-455-1422 * elaine.vanderleeuw@von.ca
Taylor House - Coordinator of Client Services
Language Notes
Interpretation available upon request
Area Served

Description of Services
Programs to support independent living for seniors and adults with disabilities are offered at London Housing Corporation rent-geared-to-income apartments
Apartments are:
Apartments are:
- 30 Base Line Rd W
- 1194 Commissioners Rd
- 632 Hale
- 170 Kent
- 202 McNay
- 85 Walnut
- 345 and 349 Wharncliffe Rd N
- Blood Pressure Clinic Trained volunteers help clients measure their blood pressure and provide educational materials and information on how to be more heart-healthy
- Congregate Dining Group meals and social activities * may include breakfast or lunch for older adults and adults with disabilities
- Cool-Aid Trained volunteers assist clients to complete medical information in a provided template, so it is accessible for emergency personnel in the event of an emergency
- Crisis Intervention and Support One-on-one supports and short-term assistance for clients in crisis
- Safety and Reassurance Programs Regular phone calls to check on the health and safety of people who live alone * screened volunteers listen, talk, and help isolated people stay in contact with the outside world
Last Updated: Mar 21, 2024: Suggest an edit