Addiction Treatment

457 York St
London, ON
N6B 1R3
London, ON
N6B 1R3


Fax: 519-434-1669

Last Updated: Jan 7, 2025: Suggest an edit
Call * waiting list
Eligibility / Target Population
Men 18-60 years with an addiction * must admit to addictive behaviour
English ; French
Language Notes
Interpretation available upon request
Area Served
Southwestern Ontario

Accessibility Note
West Entrance
Description of Services
Live-in addiction treatment program for men
Three phase program * offers one-on-one and group work discussions such as Life Skills, Stress Management, Anger Management, Relapse Prevention, Assertiveness Training, and Process Groups (spirituality, life skills, trauma, abuse, family dynamics, and grief therapy)
Three phase program * offers one-on-one and group work discussions such as Life Skills, Stress Management, Anger Management, Relapse Prevention, Assertiveness Training, and Process Groups (spirituality, life skills, trauma, abuse, family dynamics, and grief therapy)
Last Updated: Jan 7, 2025: Suggest an edit