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Community Connectors: Your link to programs to help your family thrive


Have you ever wondered what a Community Connector does? It's just that - connecting!

Community Connectors play a vital role at Family Centres, at 8 locations across London, in linking families to programs, services and resources within the community. We had the pleasure of sitting down with Kirsti Cheese, a Community Connector System Coordinator, who shared firsthand information about this important role and the many ways they support families.

Community Connectors are the warm and welcoming faces that families see first when they visit a Family Centre. They are trustworthy, knowledgeable and compassionate people who want to help all families be the best they can be. Most families need at least a little support to thrive and this couldn't be more true today - during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Community Connectors work alongside families to make the ordinary and extraordinary experiences of raising children just a little bit easier. Through conversation, they learn about the family situation and work together to identify programs and resources that will suit their needs. Community Connectors understand that each family has their own strengths, and that is why they work closely with families to determine the best step forward - and how to take that step - to ensure they are connected, supported, and have the tools to thrive.

Community Connectors also work with one another to utilize their collective strengths and brainpower to ensure that no matter what, each family will be connected to the support they need. Thanks to this collaboration, there is a system of Connectors working behind the scenes for the families of London.

When asked about the importance of the work Family Centres do, Kirsti shared this: “Knowing there are these places within a safe distance that are warm, welcoming, and meant for everyone, that to me is one of the biggest pieces of value that a Family Centre has.There are so many professionals coming together to share their expertise and wrap themselves around the families in our communities. Because the Family Centres are there, you are not alone.”

Kirsti also shared that finding support and resources can be a confusing and daunting process. By working alongside families, Community Connectors help them navigate both the simple and the complex situations that many families face.

“The Community Connectors strive to build relationships with the families they meet. When the pandemic hit, and our doors had to suddenly shut, what I heard foremost from Connectors was genuine concern about "their families" and how they were managing. Being back in person, able to reconnect with families, is a huge relief for this incredible network of caring professionals,” says Kirsti.

To learn about Community Connectors in Middlesex County, please visit here.