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Newcomer Settlement Services in Middlesex County


Services in Middlesex County

The Newcomer Settlement Program through the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario provides Refugee Claimants, Canadians not born in Canada, and newcomers with temporary status (such as international students and work permit holders) and information, referral, and advice on settlement and integration issues including immigration, government forms and services, community and social services, education, housing, employment and getting connected to the community.

Additional services include:

  • orientation to the local area and to Canadian customs and traditions
  • referrals to cultural, educational, recreational, legal, and other support services in the community
  • interpretation services can be provided in some languages

The Newcomer Settlement Advisor for Middlesex County is Firas Sefian. He can be reached at (226) 973 -7572 or by email at firas.sefian@swo.ymca.ca.

County of Middlesex Living Here webpage for Newcomers and Immigrants 

If you have immigrated to Canada, or are a new resident of this area, Middlesex County is pleased to welcome you. Here you will find a variety of programs and services to help you on your way to becoming more acquainted with life in our region. Whether you are looking for information on citizenship, cultural associations, or employment, we are here to help. 

Services in London and Middlesex County

Services and Supports for Ukrainians in Middlesex County

Support for Those Affected by Ukrainian Crisis

This webpage is to provide accurate information on support in London & Middlesex for those impacted by the crisis in Ukraine. This webpage will be updated on a regular basis as new information unfolds.

London and Middlesex County Portal  
A portal for newcomers to London and Middlesex County where they can find information on health care, housing, legal services, transportation and more.

London and Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership 
Website providing information to help immigrants settle in London and Middlesex County. Includes information on settlement services, language training, employment, education, and health services.

Immigrant, Newcomer, and Refugee Services  

Ethnocultural Groups and Services  

Information on Indigenous Services 
Health and social services for Indigenous communities are often a combination of traditional healing, primary care, cultural programs, health promotion programs, resource centres, community development initiatives, and social support services. Indigenous peoples are the descendants of the original inhabitants of North America, who identify as First Nations, Métis, or Inuit.

The three First Nations communities closest in proximity to Middlesex County and the City of London are: Chippewa of the Thames First Nation (part of the Anishinaabe); Oneida Nation of the Thames (part of the Haudenosaunee); and, Munsee-Delaware Nation (part of the Leni-Lunaape). 

Need More Help?

Community Connectors are fundamental to helping Middlesex County families get connected to the services and supports they need.   Contact a Community Connector by phone, email or in-person.  Visit the Community Connector page for more information.  

For More Information 

For more information on services to support newcomer families visit the Specialized Services page on Familyinfo.ca.  

Helpful Resources
Getting Settled in Ontario  Information about getting settled in Ontario from the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.

Edits and Suggestions for Existing Services  
Have general feedback on middlesexfamilyconnections.ca?  Have suggestions on services or service agencies you would like added that are currently not included in the portal? 

Contact Nadine Devin, Program Manager, Middlesex County Library, ndevin@middlesex.ca

Edits and Suggestions for Existing Services  
Services and events information is provided and maintained by southwesthealthline.ca

Southwesthealthline.ca takes pride in the quality and accuracy of their data. All service records are fully updated at least once a year and follow provincial data standards and inclusion policies. You can submit changes or suggest a new service or event at any time. 

Please note that staff will review and confirm all submissions before they are published to the website.

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