Middlesex Family Connections Logo

Early Learning & Parenting in Middlesex County

Middlesex County Library Programs

Middlesex County Library offers an array of programs and services that can support early learning and is a great hub and resource for children and families.  

Middlesex County Library offers programs for patrons of all ages at all of our 15 locations. Programs may be drop in, staff led or feature a special guest presenter. Check the library event calendar on the Middlesex County Library website to see when programs are happening in your community.

Middlesex County Library has available a variety of parenting books available to borrow on a variety of topics. A library card is free for all residents of Middlesex County. To register for a card, please visit a Middlesex County Library branch during open hours. 

For more information: Visit the Middlesex County Library website (external link) for more information on the book collection or the Getting a Library Card (external link) page for more information on library cards. 

Middlesex County Library Locations 

EarlyON Programs

Click here to find information on EarlyON Child & Family Centre programs and locations across Middlesex County.

EarlyON programs are an initiative of the provincial government and are where children from birth to six-years-old, parents and caregivers connect, learn and grow together! EarlyON programs provide play-based learning opportunities that allow children to develop their social and emotional skills, reach developmental milestones and begin their journey of lifelong learning.  

They are welcoming places that also offer families a range of services including: 
  • playgroups with crafts, music and stories
  • programs to introduce children to math, science, and reading
  • new baby support
  • parenting workshops and information on children’s development, behaviour, safety, and nutrition
  • and more! 

Parenting Support Services

TVCC Education and Participation
Various educational opportunities are offered through TVCC for parents, caregivers and community members. Many of our virtual workshops are free and open to all. We cover topics such as Toilet Training 101, Sleep...How to help your child get more, Feeding 101, Building Skills Through Play and more! 

EarlyON Programs offer opportunities for parents to connect and ask questions in a safe environment. Staff are also able to support you in seeking information and connect you with the community. Contact Middlesex EarlyON for more information on parenting resources and programs:
Email: earlyon@middlesex.ca
Call: 519-666-3227

Middlesex-London Health Unit provides telephone advice to parents and caregivers. Have questions or concerns about parenting, or caring for your infant or child call 519-663-5317 to speak with a Public Health Nurse. Available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Visit their website for more information. 
Telephone Support for Families   
Early Child Development - Middlesex-London Health Unit  

Information on Indigenous Services 
Health and social services for Indigenous communities are often a combination of traditional healing, primary care, cultural programs, health promotion programs, resource centres, community development initiatives, and social support services. Indigenous peoples are the descendants of the original inhabitants of North America, who identify as First Nations, Métis, or Inuit.

The three First Nations communities closest in proximity to Middlesex County and the City of London are: Chippewa of the Thames First Nation (part of the Anishinaabe); Oneida Nation of the Thames (part of the Haudenosaunee); and, Munsee-Delaware Nation (part of the Leni-Lunaape). 

LEAP - Learning, Earning and Parenting

Learning Earning and Parenting (LEAP) is a program provided to eligible Ontario Works clients. All parents in receipt of Ontario Works, who are under the age of 18 must participate in the program to remain eligible for OW. Parents between the ages of 18 to 25 may voluntarily participate.
The participants must complete:
  • a high school diploma or equivalent
  • complete a minimum 35 hours in an approved parenting program
  • actively participate in job searching activities with the support of the OW employment staff.
Once a LEAP participant has successfully completed all of the LEAP requirements, they are eligible to receive a $500 bursary which is available for their post secondary education path or may be saved for their child(ren)’s education. Talk to your caseworker for a referral to LEAP. For more information visit the County of Middlesex website.  

Need More Help?

Community Connectors are fundamental to helping Middlesex County families get connected to the services and supports they need.   Contact a Community Connector by phone, email or in-person.  Visit the Community Connector page for more information.  

For More Information

For more information on early learning and parenting you can visit the Pregnancy to Preschool page on Familyinfo.ca.  

Edits and Suggestions for Existing Services  

Have general feedback on middlesexfamilyconnections.ca?  Have suggestions on services or service agencies you would like added that are currently not included in the portal? 

Contact Nadine Devin, Program Manager, Middlesex County Library, ndevin@middlesex.ca

Edits and Suggestions for Existing Services  
Services and events information is provided and maintained by southwesthealthline.ca

Southwesthealthline.ca takes pride in the quality and accuracy of their data. All service records are fully updated at least once a year and follow provincial data standards and inclusion policies. You can submit changes or suggest a new service or event at any time. 

Please note that staff will review and confirm all submissions before they are published to the website.

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