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Child Care in Middlesex County

Middlesex County offers a variety of Child Care Programs suitable for all of your family's needs. You can visit the County of Middlesex Children's Services website for more information on child care or click below through the links.  

Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Program 

Recently, the federal and provincial governments entered into the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement [external link] to make child care more affordable for children under 6 years old in Licensed Child Care.

Middlesex County information [external link]

City of London information [external link]

OneList - Wait List  

(Also known as the OneList) The Waitlist is an online directory to assist families in finding licensed child care programs in the city of London or county of Middlesex.

By completing a single application form, you can connect with multiple programs to express your interest in registering your child for their licensed child care programs. 

Each listed child care provider offers unique programs licensed by the Ministry of Education. The Waitlist supports families to find the licensed child care, school-age, and nursery school programs in the city of London or county of Middlesex.

All child care providers featured on the Waitlist maintain their own policies and procedures. This means that adding your child’s name to the Child Care Waitlist website does not guarantee the child care program you are interested in will have placed your child’s name on their program’s waitlist.  Families should contact each program directly to ask about how to add your child to their program’s waitlist. 

To learn more about each program’s specific waitlist policies and procedures, as well as, how to get your child’s name placed on their waitlists, you are encouraged to contact each program directly. 


Services in Middlesex County 

Licensed Child Care Centres in Middlesex County 
Visit the County of Middlesex Children's Services website to see a list of all the licensed child care centres in MIddlesex County.  Here you find the Child Care Centre Brochure and a list of all Child Care Centres across Middlesex County. 

Children with Special Needs in Licensed Child Care
All Kids Belong promotes the inclusion of children with special needs into licensed child-care settings. All Kids Belong provides support to community child-care programs and Before/After School Programs by enhancing their staff’s knowledge and skills in working with families and children with special needs. A family or service provider can make a referral to the program by calling All Kids Belong 519-434-8247 or sending an email to akb@merrymount.on.ca. The Resource Consultant assigned to your child’s program will discuss your situation with you and explore the support options available.
Child Care Subsidy
The County of Middlesex offers a Fee Subsidy Program that is intended to help eligible families with the cost of their childcare expenses. The program helps families by paying a portion of the childcare cost to the childcare centre.

Services across Middlesex County and City of London

Licensed Child Care Centres  
Home Child Care Agencies
Before and After School Programs

Information on Indigenous Services 
Health and social services for Indigenous communities are often a combination of traditional healing, primary care, cultural programs, health promotion programs, resource centres, community development initiatives, and social support services. Indigenous peoples are the descendants of the original inhabitants of North America, who identify as First Nations, Métis, or Inuit.

The three First Nations communities closest in proximity to Middlesex County and the City of London are: Chippewa of the Thames First Nation (part of the Anishinaabe); Oneida Nation of the Thames (part of the Haudenosaunee); and, Munsee-Delaware Nation (part of the Leni-Lunaape). 

Need More Help?
Community Connectors are fundamental to helping Middlesex County families get connected to the services and supports they need.   Contact a Community Connector by phone, email or in-person.  Visit the Community Connector page for more information.  

For More Information
For more information on child care services visit the Child Care page on Familyinfo.ca.   

Child Care Subsidy
The County of Middlesex offers a Fee Subsidy Program that is intended to help eligible families with the cost of their childcare expenses. The program helps families by paying a portion of the childcare cost to the childcare centre.’ 
Helpful Resources

Edits and Suggestions for Existing Services  

Have general feedback on middlesexfamilyconnections.ca?  Have suggestions on services or service agencies you would like added that are currently not included in the portal? 

Contact Nadine Devin, Program Manager, Middlesex County Library, ndevin@middlesex.ca

Edits and Suggestions for Existing Services  
Services and events information is provided and maintained by southwesthealthline.ca

Southwesthealthline.ca takes pride in the quality and accuracy of their data. All service records are fully updated at least once a year and follow provincial data standards and inclusion policies. You can submit changes or suggest a new service or event at any time. 

Please note that staff will review and confirm all submissions before they are published to the website.

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