Family Info Logo

Rocket Family Upper Extremity Clinic

520 Sutherland Dr
Toronto, ON
M4G 3V9
416-597-3422 ext 6340
Call 911 in emergencies
Télécopie: 416-597-7111
iconPath Mon-Fri 8am-4pm

Procédé et formulaires

Medical referral required * screening required

Admissibilité / population desservie

People who have impairments of the upper extremity due to neurological conditions * must be medically stable * must be motivated and cognitively able to participate in an intensive treatment regimen * patients will ideally have a support person who can help implement strategies at home in between formal treatment sessions


Set fee * services may be covered by extended health benefits, auto insurance, and WSIB



Zone(s) desservie(s)

Toronto and area


W_wheelchair.gif Accessible en fauteuil roulant

Note sur l'accessibilité

Wheelchair accessible building including main entrance and barrier free washrooms * lowered elevator buttons * designated parking

Description des services:

Assessment and treatment of people with a neurological condition that has affected their upper extremity function
Dernière mise à jour: Aug 2, 2023: Suggérer une modification